Today we had an Immersion assembly, this year’s theme is TeWaToi which means all teams will be learning about art, our team 5 is going to be focusing on How do artists express meaning through their art, we had our management they were dressing up our principal while other team’s were presenting then they manage to name him Manaiakalani man because he was dressed up as maui from moana.
This morning team 5 had showed us what where doing for this term we are focusing on (How do artists express meaning through their art?) team 5 teachers had came up with an idea about what where doing for this term (BTW the teachers were the actors, like they were acting like they were at tamaki for tech, the characters were Mrs Tele’a, Ms taupauke, Mrs illaoa and Msr Wisemen all these teachers are from team5, each teacher had a pieace of drawings to present, So we are learning about how do artists express their feelings.
Here are some of Images of the other teams.
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