I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 5 and my teacher is Mrs Ilaoa.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Lady Esme & the stolen fire gems
WALT: Manage myself to complete tasks to the best of my abilityIn this story there was a thief that had stolen 12 fire gems and once again Lady Emse Figured out the mystery. |
Thursday, 30 November 2017
WALT: Use different strategies to solve addition and subtraction word problems AND decimal addition and subtraction.
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Word Problems
This week my group has learnt about addition,subtraction, patterns, and division we all had to solve the problems with word problems.
Word Problems
For this weeks activity was Multiplication and Division. We had to try figure out the missing number to solve the problem. I've learnt that you can multiply a number and you can divided it the other way around. It was very difficult but i still tried my best .
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
On the 10th of November we had our Athletics. In athletics there are different activity's like Shot put, Discus, high jump, tug-o-war, Javelin, Obstacle course, Softball throw, Relay, Volley, Dodge ball, Sprints, Target ball. The house colours were Hikianalia, Hine Moana, Hokule'a and Te Aurere, When we had our athletics we all had to split up into our year groups and head off to our first station.
We also split up into our house lines. Our first station was softball throw, the aim of the game was to see how far you could throw and The top 3 throwers were Myztique, Sheales and Angel.
Our second activity was the relay with Mr Write and Tyler the aim of this game was to jump over the hurdles and go around the flag then roll over and come back so the next person can go this game was just basically running and falling this game was really fun Our team Hokule'a came 1st by sitting up and was waiting for other teams to come back and sit up.
My favourite highlight out of all activity was volley because we all had fun and was enjoying the time we had. Even though our team won most of the games we still cheered for all the other groups that were playing.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Andrew Patterson
This morning Andrew Patterson cam to our school to talk about our future one of the things he talked about was BE A GIVER, means for an example there was a young boy walking to school and then he saw a homeless man crying then he went over to see if the man was alright, the homeless man said he lost his job and he got kicked out of his house and he got divorced and the but young boy went over and gave him his lunch money, but the young boy didn't tell anybody, then the homeless man went to the young boy school and told them that he helped me, and then the young boy got a gold certificate but the homeless man has a home and has a job.
He also had a quote that said if you do what you love you'll never work a day in life and it was so inspiring and he told us to be a giver so what he meant was if someones in need you should help them out and one it might come back to you.
This morning Andrew Patterson cam to our school to talk about our future one of the things he talked about was BE A GIVER, means for an example there was a young boy walking to school and then he saw a homeless man crying then he went over to see if the man was alright, the homeless man said he lost his job and he got kicked out of his house and he got divorced and the but young boy went over and gave him his lunch money, but the young boy didn't tell anybody, then the homeless man went to the young boy school and told them that he helped me, and then the young boy got a gold certificate but the homeless man has a home and has a job.
He also had a quote that said if you do what you love you'll never work a day in life and it was so inspiring and he told us to be a giver so what he meant was if someones in need you should help them out and one it might come back to you.
He inspired me a lot because he had a slide that said launch your future and it was so amazing i thought about being a black fern and being a air hoster but i chose to go university to learn and learn about my life
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Test Practice 2
Next we are going to be doing our maths test that why we have to practice for next week
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Role Model
What it means to be a good role model.
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.
How does it feel to be a role model!, Do you have a role model, are you a role model, do you show support do you encourage other, do you have confident and are you positive.
1st idea
What it feels like being a role model, it feels like they showing support and they never give up, they have respect to woods the teachers. If you have role model, how does your role model act like to wood the adults.
2nd idea
My role model, is my Mum and dad are my role model, because they look after me and they always encourage me in everything i do and they work hard for my little family, My mum is the a caring lady and a loving women
3rd idea
My role model, is my mum because she takes time of work and look after us My mum is always making dinner for me and my family. And my dad is my role model, is my dad because when I need help he will always come and give me a hand. And they always come and Encourage me when I play netball.
Last but not least my mum, she is my role model, because she will help me when I’m sick and take her time of work and help her family. And one day I would like to be like her follow her footsteps and I would like follow their footsteps.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Musical Madness
Musical Madness!!
This term our school is going to be talking about Musical Madness. This year we will be talking about music. This assembly started of by our senior management singing Musical Madness.
My 1st highlight was team 3 when they were telling a story through the music, This was very interesting and funny, Mr Moran and the rest of the teachers were also singing and dancing, it made our school laugh.
My 2nd highlight was team 4 because they were singing carpool karaoke they didn't have any instruments and when team 3 teachers were in the car teachers took turns driving and the rest of the teachers was singing and dancing
My 3rd highlight was team 5 because team 5 teachers presented a movie that had Music and movies Mr Wisemen and Mrs Taupke were the parents and there movie was really interesting and funny that the parents who were watching had a really good laugh.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Perfect Punch
Yesterday the 27 September we made our own punch and it was so awesome when we were making our perfect punch our teacher was helping us, This is to help us work out and this is also about ratios
The Floundering Project
This morning team 5 went to the hard courts and Mr Burt was telling us the instructions, then it was time to go to the beach and watch the children look for flounder, when we got there Judah lead us of with a karakia After we said our prayer sang a waiata and we were shouting !!CATCH A FLOUNDER OII!! And !!WE LOVE YOU FLOUNDER TEAM!! After we Shouted we sang another waiata. Twelve student's from pt England got chosen to look for babie flounder. When they were searching for babie flounder the rest of ptengland was supporting them by singing a song. Then it was time to come back to school, When they cam back they were all dirty and muddy and when they came back we were all like how many babie flounder did you's catch, They cached over 20 babie flounder.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
In literacy we have been learning about election and we have learnt that we are only aloud to vote when we are 18 and over.
Monday, 18 September 2017
This week have been learning how to measure the court and find the perimeter of objects me and my group went outside to measure the court.
WALT: Find the perimeter of objects
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Place Value
Today me and my group was solving the problem on our site and when we were solving it we had to Spilt the numbers into ones and tens to solve the subtraction problems
Monday, 11 September 2017
Addition Pyramid
WALT: Slit numbers into ones and tens to solve the addition problem
Today we learnt how to add and solve the problem on our site
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Today we are having disco in the hall if you wanna come its only 3$ to get in there's gonna be best dancers and snacks There's even gonna be glow sticks and everybody is gonna be glowing.
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Yesterday we were learning about advertisement's and me and my group chose this poster is about a shoe it is called step up I think to make a better quality advertisement is to make it look interesting. We have learned where they leave there marks.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Monday, 12 June 2017
Persuasive Wrting
WALT: plan out a persuasive piece of writing.
In this writing text is about THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE.
In this writing text is about THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Blog post
Title: Key Competency - Managing Self
Talofa Bloggers
Today our class is focusing on our Key Competencies. Our aim was to stay on task and see how much progress we make for reading and writing in one morning block. This should set the standard for how much work we complete each time we have literacy.
Our two learning intentions were:
WALT: 1. Show how much progress we can make in one literacy session
2. Articulate what we are learning about.
Here is my reading and writing work I completed today
Here is a recording of me explaining what I am learning about.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
The day we make Truffles
Today is Wednesday we had our first rotation groups our first rotation was cooking we had to get into four groups we made Truffles and it was so fun. The ingredients we made it with was 1 x super wine biscuits, 1 x can condensed milk,
1/4 cup cocoa, 3/4 cup choc chips, 1 cup Dedicated coconut and the first thing you do is this.
1. Crush your packet of super wine biscuits - they don't need to be fine crumbs
2. Sift 1/4 cup of cocoa into a bowl
3. Gently mix super wine biscuits and cocoa together
4. Add 3/4 cup of choc chips
5. Add 1 cup of desiccated coconut
6. Gently mix together
7. Pour in whole can of condensed milk (mix as you go)
8. Make small truffle balls then roll it on a plate of dedicated coconut
9. Store in the fridge overnight
10. Pack truffle balls into cellophane bags and tie it up with a ribbon

1/4 cup cocoa, 3/4 cup choc chips, 1 cup Dedicated coconut and the first thing you do is this.
1. Crush your packet of super wine biscuits - they don't need to be fine crumbs
2. Sift 1/4 cup of cocoa into a bowl
3. Gently mix super wine biscuits and cocoa together
4. Add 3/4 cup of choc chips
5. Add 1 cup of desiccated coconut
6. Gently mix together
7. Pour in whole can of condensed milk (mix as you go)
8. Make small truffle balls then roll it on a plate of dedicated coconut
9. Store in the fridge overnight
10. Pack truffle balls into cellophane bags and tie it up with a ribbon
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Monday, 8 May 2017
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Monday, 27 March 2017
Friday, 24 March 2017
Special writing
At Pt England school we do heaps of sports and we also have our new bike tracks are awesome once our track to ride the bikes are done we to ride and it's also fun to be at pt England school because we get Chromebooks that the most thing I ever had in my life you learn. The thing about Pt England school is that we get to learn new things and we have our house colour like Hine moana, Hokule'a, Te Aurere last but not least Hikianlia.
At Pt England we like to make new friends and make friends with the teacher. It's good for us because we get to know who are the teachers. And at Pt England school if you are a year 7 when the and the year 8 when the year 8’s go we always have rotation and when you get to go Technology at Tamaki college school. Things you can do when your at tec is Cooking,Graphite's,Hard metral. We even have kapa haka some of us are not Maori but we like to learn new things because and when you're in the kapa haka group you get to perform to your school or our kapa haka group can perform to people. Pt England school kids like get to learn words and actions. At Pt England the year 8’s and 7’s we like to switch classes like literacy and maths. Every Friday we always have assembly and sports rotation. Every year we always have pinci the things we can do there is swim and play games.
This my story about Pt England school if your looking at my blog please comment down below.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Friday, 17 March 2017
Pride of the pacific
Have you been to the ASB polyfest before it is so amazing. Yesterday Team Five represented Pt England school by showing what awesome looks like. We went to go and watch or sorts of groups. When we went to the Maori stage we had put our bags down and went roaming around to all the workshops and then we went back to grab our bags to watch the cook island stage and it was pretty fun. then we had got smoothies and went to the dancing stage to watch the dancing competition.When we had finished going everywhere Atarata Dezarae and Danielle wanted to get there moko done and then we had to meet where we first came in and then we were heading to the bus to go back to school.My Highlight of the day was one of the activities that were held at the polyfest and my favourite activity was the name of love reciprocity respect and two more the word I had to understand and share creative ideas about was the tapu relationships .The poly fest was cool and awesome but not as awesome as it’s going to be on Friday and Saturday I can’t wait to go back and watch more and more fun performances and yummy food.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Why do we borrow books
Why do we borrow books at the library
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.
Why do you borrow books
This book is about why we borrow books and when people take book they will start reading with the children's book and then they can move on to the teenage book when they grow into adult can still read.
1st element
People borrow books to improve their reading and silks so so when they come school they are ready. People borrow books to take home and read with their brothers and sisters.
2nd element
People borrow books To study with your friends if you have any test at school. People can write about the story and when they grow up they will keep reading. When they finish reading you can move on.
3rd element
People borrow books to learn about other countries and write what it’s about. People borrow books to learn how to read and some people can tell us what the book is about.
Last but not least when I am in primary i like to read and when we do our test for school. I know what the book is about and when they grow up they can still read books. When I get to college I will still read books.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Visual Mihi

This is my visual mihi and in the middle is me. On the top I have my tongan flag and nuiean flag and my softball. On the bottom side is an all blacks ball and on the other side is a netball ball. Hope you like it.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Place Vlalue
Can you write the value of the underlined digit?
36 - 6
63 - 60
629 - 9
904 - 9
12 - 10
907 - 7
1990 - 1000
3842 - 3000
Write these words in numbers.
- Three hundred and two
- Eight hundred and sixty three
- One thousand
- Nine hundred
- Seventy seven
- One thousand two hundred and one
- Two thousand four hundred and fifty seven
Add ten to these numbers:
- 345 - 355
- 283 - 293
- 23 - 33
- 9 - 19
- 672 - 682
Add one hundred to each of these numbers:
- 243 - 343
- 74 - 174
- 188 - 288
- 765 - 865
- 12 - 112
Walt: we are learning about) Place value
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